Fourth Sunday of Easter

Dear friends!

On this fourth Sunday of Easter, the Church celebrates Good Shepard Sunday. Jesus reminds us of His goodness that He is all encompassing, and His role as a shepherd, in the way that He is prepared to lay down His life for us.

What is a shepherd without their sheep? Jesus, the Good Shepherd, knows us and knows our voice in the same way that we know His voice. As His sheep we are invited to follow Him and to live in the freedom that He yearns so deeply for us. What a gift it is that He is like no other hired servant that cowers when danger enters. Jesus comes to protect us from evil at all costs. And through His sacrifice, restores the relationship that was severed between us and God.

But isn’t it the case that sometimes, even though we know His voice and know His intentions, we are the ones that cower from Him. We forget that He is not the hired servant that ran away but the one that chose to lay down His life for us and bring us true freedom. And even after the battle is won, we still cower. We let our identify be our blemishes. Letting the shame take over. And when the shepherd calls to us, we turn away, hiding our blemishes. Fearing that He will treat us differently. Fearing that there are too many wounds that will bring disgust to His eyes.

Yet, as the Good Shepherd that He is, He calls to us. Blemishes and all. Gently He invites us to His one flock. We may hear His voice. But we are given the choice to listen. As He longs for each and every one of us. To bring us back into full communion with the Father. For that is why The Good Shepherd lays down His life for His sheep.

Enrique Alegria - Drexel Focus Missionary

St. Agatha & St. James