Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Dear Friends,

A leper came to Jesus and kneeling down begged him and said,“ If you wish, you can make me clean.” Leprosy represents the condition of hopelessness. Do you recall the last time when you were on your knees begging God for something that seemed impossible? Think about the countless helpless causes we encounter in our lives and in those among us. Helpless but not hopeless, this leper showed us the right disposition of heart: humility and kindness. Humility and kindness obtain all things from the Lord! Humility, for in such a disposition we are recognizing our own need and kindness, for we are placed in a relationship that is more than transactional.

Not only are we hopeful beggars, but dependent children, and in God to whom all things possible, we find our loving Father who wants to relate to us in our need. “I do will it. Be made clean”; says the Lord. The leper had only to receive the healing and be made clean. He just had to ask, stay still, and receive. And once he is healed he is asked to do one thing ..” and offer for your cleansing what Moses prescribed that will be proof for them”. Moses represents the law, the authority, and the one who validates, in our terms today the Church. This rebellious healed man couldn’t contain the amazement of this miracle ” was impossible for Jesus to enter a town openly.He remained outside in deserted places,and people kept coming to him from everywhere".

Testimonies are powerful! Our lives are surrounded by miracles. How often do we remember to be grateful? Take some time this week to ponder about the goodness of the Lord in your life and who around you can be lifted in hope. Brothers and sisters we all seek to be fully healed, fully alive and to live forever! We are about to enter Lent, a time of desert, in other words, a time of silence. Let us get closer to our Lord in this time of desert through prayer in humility and kindness recognizing our own need to be cleansed. Let us fully put our trust in Him who loved us first. For Christ alone can heal our wounds, and He will do it.

María José Armas | CLM missionary

St. Agatha & St. James