Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Dear Friends,


Today’s Gospel invites us to ponder the authority of Jesus. There is so much richness here, but I want to reflect specifically on the authority Jesus demonstrates over the unclean spirit because this is an encounter each one of us experiences in our own hearts. What does scripture mean by an “unclean spirit?” This is the enemy – a spirit of slavery. An unclean spirit communicates – often very subtly – that we are alone, that there is no one who cares for us, that everything depends on me, that I must prove myself, that we need to earn love, that we need to grasp onto what we have. It is a spirit that leads to anxiety, fear, self-dependence, isolation.


It is the enemy of the Good Spirit, the Holy Spirit – the Spirit of sonship. The Spirit of sonship communicates that we are beloved, that we are children of a good Father who loves us, provides for us, holds us in the palm of His hand. She is a Spirit that leads to peace, joy, gratitude, humility, communion. Friends, the Spirit of sonship has power over the spirit of slavery. And the Spirit of sonship dwells in each of our hearts through Baptism.


 The authority that drives out the unclean spirit in today’s gospel is the same authority that will drive out the temptations that each one of us have to doubt the truth of who we are and who God is. Can we find time each day to recognize the ways we have felt tempted by the unclean spirit? Let us rest with Jesus under the gaze of our Father so that His Holy Spirit might little by little drive out these temptations that lead to sin and death. Our God wants life in abundance for each one of us!


Molly Bent

CLM Missionary

Athlete Campus Minister

St. Agatha & St. James