Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Today “Jesus told his disciples a parable about the necessity for being a faithful servant to their master even in small matters”. Just prior to this story, Jesus shares another parable about ALWAYS being ready for the Lord’s coming. But in this one, Jesus mentions what HIS people should do while they wait for the return of the Heavenly Father. We were all created by GOD for a mission which is to love GOD and our neighbors by sharing the gospel and helping others grow in their faith. For that, GOD gave us talents and gifts of the holy spirit like wisdom, understanding, knowledge, etc. These are unique and natural skills that were given to us by GOD. There are many of us who go on with our lives and not recognize those talents GOD gave us, so we could use them to be better faithful servants of GOD. 

Personally, writing is something I am passionate about and I have felt it was a gift given to me by GOD. But like the third servant, I was hesitant and controlled by my fear of being judged and not good enough, so I hid behind closed doors and buried my passion for writing. With time, I was able to acknowledge my fears and work towards writing more often, being more vocal about my faith journey. Regardless of whether people will judge me or not, I will rejoice if I am able to inspire at least one person similar to how Christ cared about the one lost sheep out of the ninety-nine sheep.  

So when there comes a time when we are paralyzed by fear, like the third servant, pray to the LORD so we are able to discern our talents and even multiply the gifts that he has given us. We are a reflection of God’s work of redemption, so we are called to mirror the life of Christ. We should look upon the image of Jesus’s suffering on the cross to free us from being slaves of fear, so we could serve GOD and our neighbors.

Rosy Mathew

St. Agatha & St. James