SYNOD Sts. AJ’s Final Report

SYNOD Sts. AJ’s Final Report


1. What fills you with joy about the Church?

There is a general experience of joy from our parishioners and students at the fact that they discover that the Church continues to be a place for encountering God’s salvific action, especially through the liturgy and sacraments. This stimulates in them the desire for continued and increased participation in the sacraments (especially the Eucharist and confession), for an increasingly reverent and beautiful liturgy, for continued small group opportunities to grow in the faith and devotion, and for outreach.

Some also find joy and hope in that the Church offers a place of comfort and healing for many.

Many expressed their joy at encountering a sense of belonging in the Church as a community centered on the faith. The experience of community at SAJ was mentioned several times as something that is present and so important, and therefore very important to continue to foster.

Other elements of the church that brought joy to our parishioners: church teaching and love for the Truth, the value of lay people within the Church, the social work of the church, etc.

2. What concerns do you have about the Church?

The range of concerns was very widespread within our parish. These concerns reflect at times disappointments and at other times hopes and dreams for the Church.

There is a concern for the lack of unity within the Church concerning certain forms.

Many expressed great concern for the preaching, expressing that they find it important for a homily to be relevant, to the point, brief, and captivating.

There is a concern for many friends and family leaving the Church for various reasons.
There is a concern for the lack of formation and the lack of clarity regarding some doctrinal topics.
In addition, some specific concerns regarding our community at SAJ were expressed (church heating/cooling,

liturgical music ministry, lack of attention to certain groups, etc.)
There was mention of a lack of openness within the church or lack of diversity, especially regarding the presence of women ministers, and the inclusion of the LGBTQ community. This generates the perception that the Church is unwelcoming, judgmental, and unloving.

Some are concerned that in certain places the Church is not living her mission to the fullest; some express concern for the faith being “watered down”, others express concern over an over-politicization of faith principles, while others are concerned that an overly moralistic view of the faith is often presented.

The sex scandals have caused significant confusion, pain, and distrust both inside and outside the Church. There is concern that there are changes being implemented to prevent this from happening again. There is also concern over addressing these issues and regaining the trust of many.


3. In what ways or moments has the Church encouraged you to speak up? How does the Church listen to you or hear what you are saying?

Several mentioned ways in which they feel encouraged to speak up: open mic events, personal contact with parish leaders or pastors, conversations with other parishioners, being greeted by parishioners and students, online surveys, the various ministry opportunities and activities, etc... We need to continue doing this and improving on it.

However, some expressed frustration at not being heard as they expected to and feeling unimportant because of it.

4. How can the Church create greater opportunities for people to be heard?

Several parishioners point out that this synodal process is a step in a good direction.

Creative ideas are suggested (church surveys with follow-up sessions, suggestion box, reaching out to the homebound and other marginalized groups of persons, etc.), especially to engage those that are on the peripheries of the Church either because of hard situations or because they have become lukewarm in their faith (for example, irregular marital situations, Sunday Catholics, etc.)

There was a great mention of the need of reaching out to those that are out of the Church or under-represented within the Church: prisons, sex workers, the LGBTQ community, other religious denominations, etc...

Some recognize the necessity for everyone to participate, both by voicing their opinions and receiving those that are voicing.


5. How can the Church help you and others to grow in your relationship with Jesus and your relationship with the Church?

Several ways were mentioned: retreats, beautiful liturgies, one-one-one discipleship and spiritual accompaniment, outreach, social activities, catechesis and formation.

There is a general recognition that this is being done here at SAJ. Many are very happy that the Gospel is being proclaimed at Newman and how the faith is being shared in an accessible, relatable, and understandable way promoting growth in their relationship with Christ. Many were thankful for the numerous opportunities to grow in their faith through retreats, formation events, outreach opportunities, small groups and deep friendships.

Nevertheless, many recognize that what we have in our parish community is unique and is not present throughout the whole Church. This makes it that much more important for all of us to care for it, continually renewing our desire to grow and also reaching out to the ones that continue to be on the fringes or are alienated within our parish community.

6. What can the Church do to support people on their faith journeys?

Many concrete examples on how to promote stronger personal encounters with Christ were repeated from the previous question: formation, one-one-one accompaniment, providing frequent access to The sacraments, small groups, community growth, contact with the Scripture, etc.

Some mentioned the importance of being welcoming and the importance of outreaching towards certain groups (women, LGBTQ, families of gay parents, single parents, etc.)

Others expressed the importance of the role of the hierarchy within the Church as a place of authentic leadership and guidance in the current times.

Many expressed the need for the Church to get involved with local social issues and to serve people in our communities that are in need.

Note: This is an attempt to summarize the overarching themes and concerns that were mentioned throughout the various listening sessions that were with various parishioners of Saint Agatha and Saint James Catholic Church, students of the Drexel Newman Catholic Community, and students from Penn Newman Catholic. As this is a summary, not all personal comments and opinions were presented in this report but they were revised and included in the spirit of the report. However, all comments were recorded in parish records and have been submitted to the Archdiocese of Philadelphia as part of the synodal process.